Spider EMS & coils: electromagnetic protection shield
Project: To manufacture, carry out checks, and test the electromagnetic protection shield for the ‘SPIDER’ plasma source
Project: To manufacture, carry out checks, and test the electromagnetic protection shield for the ‘SPIDER’ plasma source
Project: To recommission a set of sodium testing devices and develop others to meet new needs within the PAPIRUS (Small Research Facilities Park for the Use of Sodium) platform and as part of the ASTRID project.
Project: To produce the support structure and mechanical circuits for the LHASSA experimental facilities (145-bar high-pressure and 350°C high-temperature water loop)
Project: To qualify the RJH CALIPSO experimental device for the use of NaK (packaging, transport, handling, purification, washing, dismantling, etc.)
Project: To install a DIADEMO test loop for the testing of experimental devices, using a liquid metal and a gas coolant under high pressure (100 bar)