Waste sorting and treatment processes
Project: Internalisation of sorting and processing activities of non-nuclear radioactive waste
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Project: Internalisation of sorting and processing activities of non-nuclear radioactive waste
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Project: To repackage drums of radioactive waste from IECDA and UP1 installations into 870 L packages
Project: To produce a system for the CEA CESTA megajoule laser building (MJL) which will be used for the decontamination of mechanical components contaminated by radioactive or chemical aerosol deposits
Project: To fully carry out the manufacturing of 5 armoured doors, ensuring the radiological protection of all personnel and the environment
Project: To produce the containment chamber glove box as part of a project for the nuclearisation a hydraulic compaction press
Project: To safely and securely take representative samples of the liquid solutions contained within the drums for subsequent analysis
Projet : Mettre en place dans le bâtiment du laser mégajoule (LMJ) du CEA CESTA une installation qui sera utilisée pour retirer à l’aide d’une solution chimique fortement basique le traitement anti-reflet présent en surface des composants optiques en silice